Friday, November 10, 2017

Hey guys!! Happy- almost - end - of 2017! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ welp! almost 6 years we've been gone, right? Without any update or news. Sorry!!! How's you guys doin'? hope getting better day by day, year by year and please, dont stop loving them~

We've been re-checking all the blogs and read the old comment, some missing or error and more importantly, WE ALREADY FIXING THE DONWLOAD LINK. so, there is no need for you guys to access my mediafire acc anymore. You can directly download as RAR or ZIP Fail~ Sorry for taking a very long response and fixing it.

No, No.. we never abandon this blog because this blog are so special. TBH, we cant never forget this anime especially the ship! Asucaga!! and KiraLacus.  We saw lot of new Gundam anime aired on tv, but honestly, we have no interest to watching it or even enjoy it because their plot getting lame day by day. Only several Mecha Anime like, Captain Earth, Sousei 1st Version, Ginga Koutai.. ect but definitely have no interest towards new gundam show.

Ugh-- my head spinning.. say what? its' time to....Cioau!

Love from kukici x mukici