Monday, November 20, 2017

AM I listening to the OLD SONG over 10000 times?!

Hello-hello~ Yes... under the moonlight, I'm laying my back peacefully on the bed, listening to the good song  and out of blue something hit my memories! okay-- how many times I've been listening to "this, that" song? OMG!!๐Ÿ˜… ----------- Now I remember! almost 1000000 times!!!!!

Truthfully, I barely change my songs list in my phone @ mp3 for almost 7 years! Really and definitely sounds like a serious issue? maybe not- Okay-- I admit, Imma lame-- I just add  several song like 1 or 2 song every 1 years. *epic me..*๐Ÿ˜ Another reason why I barely change my song list because my laziness to re-arrange my sdcard or my MP3. For me, those work are soooo trivial!!! 

One of  the best song that I refuse to change or delete was AKATSUKI NO KURUMA and VESTIGE. I have a taste of something unique and deep, accidentally, GS have this very fit song with a beautiful lyric that close to my heart. Over 7 years, I didn't notice at all that I've been listening to the same old song again and again. 

I love the lyrics behind the song which really dedicated to Cagalli. Its deep about her wills, hope and her inner souls that earn for something to be end. ๐Ÿ˜ข. She's growing up so fast and forced to accept the burden of the world in her early age (16) without the consent of other people after the dead of her father. Oh-- please, higher ups of Orb even try to bring her down. In Destiny, She handled it alone even Athrun always by her side. he just a bodyguard with a complicated issues.  Kira refused to join the politic. I have no offense toward Lacus and why she ruled better , because she got a very good back up like kira and other members. even Athrun lol. When our Princess of Orb struggling to reach other people, Athrun left her, her subordinate betrayed her-- yeah--Yuna roma *ugh-- glad he's dead* Kira not so much help until the very critical point. Yeah- dont Blame Our Cagalli for what  happen in Orb. It's not her Fault just because she's honest and little naive. Forced to carrying the burden of  the world without her Father as a guidance only Kisaka. 

P/S : Please, I should stop talking about it or I'll ruin my night mood. *laugh*

Here the lyrics  in English

The wind entices me to lay down in the shade
I cry -- when i look at myself, I see someone i don't know
Playing the guitar for those who've passed away,
A star falls for the grief of those will not come

They won't come, but they call out
Orange flower petals shake quietly
Far-away memories, held in my palm,
Leave a gentle wrinkle in my face
I strike a cord of eternal goodbye.
A child's heart clings to a gentle hand
The burning feeling shaken off as the vessel continues
I play the guitar for the sighs those who've passed away
Strumming the cords of my heart

Uncoloured by the white of sadness
Orange flower petals shake gently in the shadow of summer
I've lost those gentle wrinkles
Dyed red by the far-off sands that i crossed
The rhythm of goodbye.

Burned down memories seep into the earth
Where they will sprout out as beautiful things

I wave off the carriage of dawn
Even now, Orange flower petals shake gently, somewhere..
One day, I'll see a peaceful dawn
Until i have it once more
An unfading light
Turns the wheels.


Monday, November 13, 2017

๐Ÿ˜š aaaaah... whenever we passing by to this blog, the old memories keep coming and coming through our mind andplease, seven hell.. God save us how the mighty angry still stuck for how long will it takes to be heal. We will always hate fukuda for the reason why Asucaga was broken!! (I know kira said to Athrun, he need to fight again to win her back.. but this is not fair!)

So far we remember, Gundam Seed/Destiny about the natural and Coordinators. end up, the anime or manga end with almost all coordinators got happy ending while the "Natural" was.. sad.

They should re united Asucaga, as the symbol of Natural and Coordinators Unity. While Kira and Lacus as symbol of Freedom. That's how GSD should end. Yes, we will always bitter about GSD.๐Ÿ˜ 

sweet bitter buttercup of Kukici x mukici

Friday, November 10, 2017

Hey guys!! Happy- almost - end - of 2017! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ welp! almost 6 years we've been gone, right? Without any update or news. Sorry!!! How's you guys doin'? hope getting better day by day, year by year and please, dont stop loving them~

We've been re-checking all the blogs and read the old comment, some missing or error and more importantly, WE ALREADY FIXING THE DONWLOAD LINK. so, there is no need for you guys to access my mediafire acc anymore. You can directly download as RAR or ZIP Fail~ Sorry for taking a very long response and fixing it.

No, No.. we never abandon this blog because this blog are so special. TBH, we cant never forget this anime especially the ship! Asucaga!! and KiraLacus.  We saw lot of new Gundam anime aired on tv, but honestly, we have no interest to watching it or even enjoy it because their plot getting lame day by day. Only several Mecha Anime like, Captain Earth, Sousei 1st Version, Ginga Koutai.. ect but definitely have no interest towards new gundam show.

Ugh-- my head spinning.. say what? its' time to....Cioau!

Love from kukici x mukici